Thoughts on Cubs vs. Cardinals

Now that the St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago Cubs have concluded their rivalry for the season, Redbird Rants editor Steve Ungrey offers his take on the revitalized series.

Whew. I’m glad that’s over.

The St. Louis Cardinals play a certain number of games against the Chicago Cubs every year, and for the last few years the rivalry has been about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Then along comes new Cubs owner Tom Ricketts with his intentions to blow up the Cubs as we knew them. Unfortunately that meant making Wrigley Field into something unrecognizable to the true baseball fan.

This concludes my rant against video boards and jumbotrons desecrating Wrigley’s overall look. Now let’s get to the series.

If hearing Cubs manager Joe Maddon rant about pitchers hitting players didn’t convince you this series was back…

If watching the standings and realizing these games could affect the National League Central race…

And if all the trash talk didn’t convince you this series was back…

Then you need to read up on what a rivalry is supposed to be like.

The Cubs and Cardinals engaged in 19 games this year and St. Louis won 11 times. However, towards the end of summer the tide began to turn.

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Don’t believe me? Go back and look at the last few meetings. Remember when the Cardinals held a safe lead in the division race?

Now St. Louis is four games up on the Pittsburgh Pirates and six on the Cubs. The division lead may be safe… or is it?

The Cardinals have been lacking lately in terms of clutch hitting and key pitching, and this has not been a kind period for the team in the last several weeks.

But now the Cubs are out of the way. And part of me is a little disappointed.

The Cardinals and Pirates have engaged in trash talk over the past couple seasons, but there is something about Cubs and Cardinals that just brings out the best in baseball fans.

So, even though the Cubs may have sold their souls to the devil to make Wrigley look different, let’s cheer them on. These Cubs might be around a while.

Heck, they may even win a few titles and there.

But the rivalry is back. And it should be celebrated.

Cubs-Cardinals is one of the best rivalries in all of sports. And we may yet see it before the season is over.