Can John Mozeliak be around and real change happen for the St. Louis Cardinals?

With plenty of changes on the horizon, Mozeliak's role still up in the air
Cincinnati Reds v St Louis Cardinals
Cincinnati Reds v St Louis Cardinals | Dilip Vishwanat/GettyImages

Significant changes are coming for the St. Louis Cardinals. With an end-of-season press conference likely on Monday to address some moves, the question remains what role John Mozeliak, president of baseball operations, will have in it all. And if he stays, can real change even happen?

The team plans to discuss a new direction and who those voices of the new direction will be. Chaim Bloom's role is set to expand after a season spent auditing the organization's needs moving forward - specifically player development. Gary LaRocque is retiring from the director position.

During Mozeliak and LaRocque's time together, the player development department went through a steep decline.

Katie J. Woo of The Athletic reported several key staffers were shocked by the decline. Woo interviewed staffers, providing anonymity in exchange for honesty. That interview described the situation as if the organization had just lost its way. They described an outdated player development department that has hindered the development of young stars such as Jordan Walker and Ivan Herrera. They emphasized directing funds to big-league payroll rather than player development. The practice appears to have led the organization to fail to hire the coaches, instructors, and modern technology needed to help players progress through the minor league system.

The organization should have found a way to spend money to benefit player development and the big-league club. It's disappointing that those within the organization saw this happening but couldn't do anything to stop it from destroying the successful mix the organization once had.

This begs the question - if Mozeliak was not doing his best for the organization in allocating funds and direction for development and the big leagues, can he remain a key staff member while Bloom and company try to right the ship?

Mozeliak will likely remain as president of baseball operations. It would be best if he played more of an advisory or consultant role in 2025. While letting Bloom and his group take the reins, Mozeliak can provide information and recommendations as needed.

The organization has some big decisions looming with players, coaching, and development. Combine that with a fan base ready for a return to success, and this is a huge offseason for the organization.

Mozeliak has acknowledged that the organization needs a new voice. The upcoming changes will show how serious Mozeliak and the DeWitt family are about doing the best for the Cardinals while providing real change. Mozeliak can be helpful in an advisory role. Anything more would put the organization's seriousness into deeper question. Mozeliak and Company must do right by the organization and fans.
