MLB Insider expects Chaim Bloom's influence with the Cardinals to grow soon

The rumblings continue to grow regarding Chaim Bloom's future with the Cardinals

Boston Red Sox Town Hall Press Conference
Boston Red Sox Town Hall Press Conference / Billie Weiss/Boston Red Sox/GettyImages

Even while baseball is still being played, most fans of the St. Louis Cardinals have their attention fixated on how much change will actually occur with their front office and coaching staff this offseason. According to one MLB insider, he at least expects the new kid of the block in the Cardinals' front office to grow in prominence here soon.

According to USA Today's Bob Nightengale, Cardinals' special assistant Chaim Bloom is expected to have "much greater authority next season, perhaps even become the top baseball decision-maker". This seems to line up with the rumblings we have heard as of late, and depending on how quickly the Cardinals make that transition, it could be the domino that leads to sweeping changes in St. Louis this offseason.

Bloom's influence and authority could grow this offseason without becoming the head of baseball decisions, as there are some who believe a transition plan will be announced that would involve Bloom taking over following the 2025 season.

I think we all know how fans would react to that kind of plan though. They want change, now. Honestly, most wanted change years ago. Giving Bloom some of the reigns and waiting to give him full authority until later while keeping John Mozeliak in his current role seems like a major misstep both logically and from a PR perspective.

If Mozeliak is going to be done following the 2025 season and they already know Bloom is the next guy, why not let Bloom have the final say on baseball operations? Mozeliak can become an advisor to Bloom and be involved in other capacities, but having him as a lame duck for a year, especially after having Bloom evaluate the organization this past year, seems odd at best.

It is unlikely we'll know the fate of Mozeliak and Bloom until after the season, but we at least do know that changes are coming. Mozeliak's time as president of baseball operations is ending, whether that is this offseason or next. Director of Player Development, Gary LaRoque, already had his retirement announced by the organization in a move that represents a significant shift that is taking place. I expect more changes like these to be announced in the coming weeks, but the extent of which remains a mystery.

When Bloom was brought in as a special advisor for the Cardinals this offseason, both Mozeliak and Bill DeWitt Jr. highlighted how his unique resume caught their attention and both were intrigued by the idea of bringing him in before they even talked to each other.

It's easy to forget how DeWitt Jr. was once an owner who prioritized ingenuity and outside-the-box thinking, striving for the Cardinals to be an organization at the forefront of what was happening in the baseball world. They've gotten away from that for a long time now, but Bloom fits the profile of a leader who can recapture that way of thinking.

I'm eager to see what changes do occur this offseason. If Bloom is able to take over baseball operations, we may have a really fun offseason on our hands. I wouldn't expect the Cardinals to become major players in free agency or make some massive trades, but I think we'll finally see the club make strides, not just tiny steps, in the right direction.
