No. 2 Lou Brock (1964-1979)

It’s crazy to think back in 1964 that the Chicago Cubs were considered the trade winners when Ernie Broglio was sent over for a fast, but relatively unproven young baseball player from Louisiana named Lou Brock.
That trade would go on to be one of, if not, the most lopsided trade in MLB history. Not only did Lou Brock become the all-time stolen base leader, he would also become a member of the illustrious 3,000-hit member club. Brock was also a member of three National League Pennant-winning teams, and a member of the 1964 and 1967 World Champions.
No left fielder started more seasons (16) and played in more games (2289) than Lou Brock. An argument can be made that Brock is the greatest left fielder in Cardinals history. Brock is second all time in career hits with the Cardinals, behind only one man.