Staff Writer Michael Miles
Super Bowl 50 quickly approaches. I am a baseball man so this event usually denotes to me the passing of all other un-related sports from the radar and the advent of the baseball season. Super Bowl also indicates to me that ESPN will squeeze all content possible out of highlights for the next week while supplementing their broadcasts with college basketball and NBA stories and highlights: a real snooze-fest to a baseball fan.
The Super Bowl cannot come and go quickly enough for me. The Super Bowl is a final gateway (think the St. Louis Arch) into spring and the reporting of pitchers and catchers and therefore cannot come and go quickly enough for me. With this in mind, and with my general lack of intelligence and care of professional football, I decided an interview of my teen-aged son would be a better fit for our round-up of predictions.
Teenage Predictions
Winner? Broncos
Why? Because of Peyton Manning and he has a lot more appearances (notice his poor grammar) in Super Bowls than anyone else.
Score? 32 Denver, 28 Carolina (clearly he knows as little about football as I do but even I know that those scores are unlikely to occur)
MVP? Cam Newton (WHAT?! How can Newton be the MVP if the Broncos win? See, even my son is lost. I have clearly failed the football gods in teaching him but just wait until baseball season.)
Any severe injuries? Nope.
How about halftime? There will be some guest singers but we will just watch highlights (smart boy). I know that Lady Gaga is singing the National Anthem.
Who is the popular player in this Super Bowl according to your friends? Peyton Manning (again, why choose Newton for MVP?)
So what did I learn from this? I learned that my son is just as lost on football as I am. I also learned, gladly learned now rather than when/if I place a bet, to NOT follow the advice/prediction of a 13-year-old boy! What does he know?!
Follow along with me on Twitter as we watch this historic game.
Next: Predictions from the Buffa