World Series Preview: Why You Should Pull for the New York Mets

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Exhibit A: David Wright

No one deserves a World Series ring more than this guy. Face it, Cardinals fans. You’d love David Wright if he was on your team. Credit: Dennis Wierzbicki-USA TODAY Sports

If you had to make a list of Major Leaguers most likely to be loved by Cardinal Nation if he’d ever don the uniform, the Mets’ 32-year-old third baseman would be right up there. Look at all the crap he’s handled with grace and dignity. Two debilitating back injuries — a stress fracture in 2011 and a spinal stenosis condition this year. An owner who totally threw him under the bus when Wright was still dealing with that stress fracture. And an owner who was careless with his investments at the expense of his baseball team. The Mets were in such disarray as recently as July that the hashtag #LOLMets was the hottest thing going on Twitter. This is Wright’s first World Series in his 12 seasons in New York. He deserves this.
