Pujols in Popular Culture and the Media


With all the recent discussion about Albert Pujols’ contract negotiations, things can get quite redundant and boring–especially since neither side of these negotiations has leaked any new info as of late.

One of the great things about Pujols being with the Cardinals over the years is the national attention that he has brought to the team. Year after year the slugger consistently puts up outstanding numbers–numbers that have given him the title the “Best player in baseball.”

For these two reasons, I have decided to take more of a casual route in writing this post. Rather than dissect the current situation to death, I figured it might be fun to take a look back on Pujols’ appearances made in popular culture and the media throughout the years. From his ESPN commercials to his appearance on David Letterman, one thing is for sure–Pujols has gotten around.

Let the hilarity begin. This first clip is a stlouiscardinals.com commercial in which Pujols himself is not featured. However, it is safe to say that he is the main subject of the commercial. Take a look…

albert pujols is superman

This next clip is an ESPN commercial, and it is one that features Albert himself. This commercial also plays on the great talents that Pujols possesses. However, rather than refer to him as Superman, this clip chooses to focus on the possible true application of his most recent nickname: “The Machine.” If you guys watch ESPN as much as I do, you’ve probably seen this video already. Regardless, it still makes me laugh every time.

(This clip was too large for me to download onto the post, so I will just have to send you guys out to youtube)

Pujols – “The Machine”

Despite Albert’s good acting, in my opinion, John Anderson and Steve Levy really make the commercial. And I always forgot about that last little part at the end with the copy machine. Good stuff.

Finally, I want to show you guys Albert’s appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman. Due to constraints and the video’s size, I was not able to embed this video either.

Albert Pujols on David Letterman

It must be hard to hit baseballs going that slow when you’re used to guys throwing everything that they’ve got at you. Not to mention Dennis Leary was pitching. That certainly couldn’t help.

I’m sure we will see many more of these appearances from Pujols in the future. The question is, will he be wearing that Redbirds uniform as the words “This is SportsCenter” appear in the middle of the screen?