Franklin Not Happy With Gun Ban

Guns have become a hot topic in the world of sports recently. Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton have each been suspended for the rest of the NBA season for their gun-related incident in the locker room. Stories differ on what actually happened, but the fact is that they brought guns to the workplace. Not the brightest idea, right? What if an accountant brought a rifle to work? A doctor? Teacher? Fast food worker? They would all be fired on the spot. It’s not professional or necessary. Guns in the workplace don’t make sense, so athletes shouldn’t be offended or think they can carry guns. But some do.

Ryan Franklin grew up with guns. He is an avid hunter. The Cardinals closer is angry that the MLB has banned all guns from the clubhouse. He respects guns and knows how to use them, and he doesn’t think a few immature players should ruin it for all athletes. While Franklin probably does handle his guns with caution and for enjoyment while hunting, I don’t understand why he’s mad. There aren’t any birds or deer roaming free at a baseball stadium. He’s not going to use them while he’s playing. No one is saying he can’t own or use guns. The league is just saying he can’t have it in the workplace.

“There’s a place for them,” Franklin said. And that place is not at the ballpark. So, take your own advice Ryan, and leave them locked up at home until your next hunting trip. There’s no reason to get worked up about a fair and unfortunately necessary rule.

I’m sure Franklin understands. He is most likely frustrated with the recent events involving guns and athletes and the negativity surrounding the entire situation.

Another athlete that knows how Franklin feels is Karl Malone. Malone loves guns. he is a spokesman for the National Rifle Association. But even Malone knows it doesn’t make sense to have guns in the locker room. He is more angry with the reputation today’s players are giving all athletes. They want guns for protection because everyone is coming after them. They lived hard lives in the slums, so now they want protection. Malone doesn’t buy it. Neither do I. Instead of running around at nightclubs showing off, these few athletes should enjoy the life they have. It is a privilege to make millions playing a game. Yet these guys screw it up. Malone also said, “It’s a privilege to own a firearm and I take offense when people don’t handle their business the right way.”

While Franklin doesn’t buy and use guns for protection, he has to see the league’s reasoning. Now, he needs to focus on pitching. He has worked hard to earn the Cards closer job, and should have an even better 2010.