Fins and Feathers
Each year, I look forward to a few dates on the baseball schedule. Topping everyone’s list is Opening Day, of course. Most fans would say Cubs and Cards at Busch ranks right up there too. Then the other important dates vary from fan to fan. Since moving to South Florida back in February of 2006, the circled dates on my calender include Valentine’s Day (the day pitchers and catchers report to Jupiter for spring training), and the lone Cardinal visit to Dolphins Landshark Stadium for a series against the Marlins.
Well guess what today is!? The Fish host the Redbirds in the first of three tonight. And to make it even more exciting, it looks like we could see a pitchers duel, with Chris Carpenter facing Josh Johnson.
Of course I’ll be at all three games. There should be quite a few Cardinal fans in the stands. The seventeen people not wearing red will be Marlins fans. They might be tough to spot at first, but you’ll be able to pick them out at the start of the fifth inning, when they all get up and leave.
Check back tomorrow for a recap of tonight’s game, along with some of my drunken pictures. Go Cards!