More Notes and Links

First, I should point out that yesterday was also the birthday of Cardinal Hall of Famer, Dizzy Dean.  I thought about working it into yesterday’s post, but didn’t want to cloud the message I was trying to convey about Albert Pujols.  Check out Dean’s Cooperstown credentials here.

Speaking of Pujols (again), the folks at Cardinals Diaspora pointed out a Tigers blog that gave a nice defensive analysis of all first basemen, and I wanted to pass it along.  Of course Albert ranks at the top.  The entry, by Lee Panas, can be found here.  Thanks CD.

Mathew Leach’s weekly segment, “Around the Horn” is back again.  This time, he looks at the middle infielders.  Check it out here.

The middle infield was also the subject of a question I posted to Jeff Gordon in his Monday chat session over at the Post Dispatch.  Here’s the transcript:

Mike: Greetings Gordo –

I’d like to know your thoughts on the middle infield situation. Now that Aaron Miles is back, does this mean that Brendan Ryan starts the year in Memphis? I see only three spots available with Izturis, Kennedy, Miles, Ryan, and Jimenz competing. Is it possible that Izturis pulls a Spivey, and doesn’t make the club? Thanks!

Mike from Miami, FL Jeff Gordon: Anything is possible. Izturis has a solid defensive reputation, so I believe he stays. Jiminez is the longshot. Miles offers Kennedy insurance; he could play a lot if Kennedy is really finished. Ryan’s versatility will make him a strong candidate — but if both Izturis and Kennedy hit well enough to start, he could go back to Memphis as the full-time shortstop.

Mozeliak, appropriately, created lots of competition here.

Finally, Commissioner Bud Selig received a contract extension today.  He’ll be in office through at least 2012.  ESPN has the full story.  I’m not sure of my feelings on this yet, but feel free to leave your own comments.