GM Speculation and Other Assorted Notes

Major League Baseball doesn’t allow major team announcements during the World Series. So, although the Cardinals say they are still considering a short list of potential general managers, they may have already decided.

Chris Antonetti, an executive from the Cleveland Indians’ organization, was in St. Louis on Friday for a meeting with Cardinals’ president Mark Lamping. He and his wife also took a tour of Busch Stadium, and drove through a few neighborhoods around the city. Antonetti is only 33 years old, and is widely recognized as a “moneyball” guy. He seems to fit the mold the Cards are looking for to transition the franchise for a turnaround in the draft and player development departments. Bill Dewitt has already guaranteed a job in the front office to interim GM, John Mozeliak, but it may end up being the job he already had under Walt Jocketty. I guess we’ll find out in a few days. The Post Dispatch has more on this story here.

Today is also the one year anniversary of the Cardinals winning their first World Championship in 24 years. If you’re having Redbird withdrawal like me, just pop in your ’06 World Series DVD, and grab a couple of cold ones. If you don’t have the DVD, there’s a link at the end of this post.

Speaking of World Champions, the Cardinals still hold the title for at least a couple more days. I’m rooting for the Rockies, but it doesn’t look good for them, down two games to none. At least they’ll be playing in Colorado tonight.

Finally, pitcher Mike Maroth was released earlier this week. He was traded to the Cardinals mid-season, and after an impressive start against the Mets at Shea, never showed any signs of success the rest of the year. I’m happy with his dismissal, but unhappy that we gave up a former number one pick for him.